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Doing Business with NLNG

Strategic Goal
Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) is working toward the establishment of a pool size of competent, reliable and competitive vendors who are able to supply from their own sources all of NLNG’s material and service requirements wherever practical and, in the process, add value to NLNG.

NLNG aims to shift from direct purchases from overseas manufacturers and vendors to ordering from well-established, efficient and competitive, in-country Nigerian manufacturers and service providers for all product groups and work categories.

Becoming a NLNG Vendor
​Suppliers interested in pursuing business opportunities within NLNG are encouraged to take the following steps:

  • Register their businesses with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission or, for foreign/overseas vendors, with recognised certification organisations;
  • Learn more about how to do business with large corporations by attending seminars and workshops;
  • Understand NLNG's business.

Apply online to become a vendor. Click Supplier Portal

Please go to the "Must Read" section of this page to read about how to use the Supplier Portal and register as a vendor

Pre-Qualification of Vendors
Vendors registered to do business with the company shall undergo a pre-qualification/review process to ascertain and confirm their suitability and capability for performing supply and/or contracting obligations for the company. 

Basic appraisal criteria shall include: their managerial and technical capability, supply or contracting experience, access to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or reputable supply sources and/or technical partners, financial capability, access to IT communication tools, compliance with HSE requirements and other mandatory statutory requirements for registration with companies in the oil and gas industry.
NLNG Vendor Development Opportunity  
Nigeria LNG Limited is committed to promoting the development of the capacity and competences of Nigerian vendors. This will be of mutual benefit to the local business environment and NLNG. Hence, NLNG will seek to encourage and as​sist Nigerian suppliers and contractors towards specialisation and capacity development in relevant product groups or work categories.

NLNG Vendor Consequence Management
NLNG hereby advises that breaches by vendors of contractual and statutory obligations shall be investigated and remedial actions taken to forestall future occurrence.

Contact Details
Vendor Service Centre, 
NLNG Plant Complex, 
Bonny Island, 
Rivers State;

Vendor Services Centre, 
East Wing Cluster Building, 
Nigeria LNG Limited,
Corporate Head Office,
NLNG Road,
Eastern By-Pass,
Port Harcourt,
Rivers State.

Email contacts:
Mailing Address: The Head, Vendor Management Services, CPM Department, NLNG, Corporate Head Office, NLNG Road, Eastern By-Pass, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.