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NLNG Train 7: The Future is Gas

In over 20 years of safe and reliable operations, we have excelled in producing and delivering LNG globally. We have grown stronger each year, with a strong passion for what we do and a belief that gas ​remains our future.

Our history attests to this. Ten years after incorporation in 1989, the first two trains were completed, paving way for the export of our first LNG cargo on October 9, 1999 which signified the start of one of the most successful stories in the LNG industry worldwide.

In an average of four years, new trains were added, from a two-train LNG plant in 1999 to a six-train plant within nine years after start-up. This earned us the reputation of been the fastest growing LNG company in the world.​


Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contracts for its Train 7 Project to SCD JV Consortium, comprising affiliates of Saipem, Chiyoda and Daewoo on 13th May 2020.

The execution of the EPC Contracts triggered the commencement of the Detail Design and Construction phase of the Project, expected to increase the capacity of NLNG's current six-Train plant by 35% from the extant 22 Million Tonnes Per Annum (mtpa) to 30mtpa.


Nigerian Content


Nigeria LNG Limited prides itself on its contribution to the development of Nigerian Content in the oil and gas industry since the construction phase of its base trains, Train 1 and 2.

NLNG is, again, fully committed to Local (Nigerian) Content development on the Train 7 Project and that commitment has begun to materialise in preparations for the taking of Final Investment Decision on the Project.

In March 2019, NLNG and the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) signed off the Nigeria Content (NC) Plan for NLNG’s Train 7 project which will ensure the delivery of value and benefits to the Nigerian economy.​

